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New Research Explores How Visually Impaired Babies Perceive the World

According to new research, visually impaired babies rely more on touch than hearing to respond to the world around them, but both senses will be important in designing tools to help them develop. Researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) in Italy and the University of Birmingham in the UK collaborated to compare how sighted, and visually impaired babies reacted to different stimuli.

New research explores how visually impaired babies perceive the world

New research explores how visually impaired babies perceive the world

An infant is touching an object. Visually impaired babies rely more on touch than hearing to respond to the world around them, but both senses will be important in designing tools to help them develop. 

Virtual reality archery is “Braille” for orientation of blind people

Researchers at the IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) developed an acoustic virtual reality-based archery game, enabling blind people to experience for the first time this type of technology, which is typically focused on vision.

Virtual reality archery for the visually impaired

Archery In Virtual Reality Is "braille" For Orientation Of Blind People -  WinDobi

The platform was presented at the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering and Biology Society (EMBC), and the findings were presented to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience last November.


They will have €150,000 each to bridge the gap between the results of their pioneering research and the early phases of its commercialisation. 

Women of science

Donne di Scienza: I Successi delle Scienziate Europee nelle STEM

During the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, RayPlay presents "Women of Science", a collection of six documentaries recounting the extraordinary stories of six European female scientists. Among the six women interviewed is Monica Gori!

SoBu: Sound and Buzz

SoBu is a new startup idea aimed at developing a gaming app for blind or severely visually impaired children.

Multisensory spatial perception in visually impaired infants

Monica Gori, Claudio Campus, Sabrina Signorini, Eleonora Rivara, Andrew J. Bremner

Infants with severe visual impairment have a distinct phenotype of multisensory spatial perception. Compared to sighted infants, they show attenuated audiotactile spatial integration and interference, have a more limited influence of body representations on tactile space, and place a greater weight on tactile than auditory cues.

Early Blindness limits the head-trunk coordination development for horizontal reorientation

Davide Esposito, Alice Bollini, Monica Gori

Researchers at the IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) developed an acoustic virtual reality-based archery game, enabling blind people to experience for the first time this type of technology, which is typically focused on vision.

Multisensory Game (4w4)

IIT U-Vip team, coordinated by ERC Winner Monica Gori, investigates how senses can be used to develop inclusive environments for kids with and without disabilities.

ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Monica Gori
Period: 1/2021- 12/2025. G.A: 948349

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