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 In MySpace we collaborate with several members of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa for administrative, technical, design and legal support

Valeria Delle Cave

Research Administrative
Communication and External Relations Directorate, Scientific Com. and Foreign Press Office

Valeria delle Cave is responsible for communication activities related to research projects funded by external entities such as the European Commission, ERC, international foundations. She is a member of the editorial staff of the online magazine IIT Opentalk.

Maria Carmela Fierro

IIT Projects Officer

Maria Carmela joined IIT in November 2014. She is involved in managing projects funded by the European Commission, private Foundations, regional and national administrations.

Marco Crepaldi

Technologist - Facility Coordinator
Electronic Design Laboratory

Marco is currently coordinator of the  EDL unit of the IIT at the Human Technology Centre in Genova. His professional interests include the design of electronic circuits, amplifiers and sensors for nanostructures. Marco is also involved in the development of systems for the audio and video digital transmission.

Antonio Maviglia

Senior Technician
Electronic Design Laboratory

Antonio is part of the IIT EDL unit and will help us develop software and hardware of the technologies that we will use in MySpace.

Laura Taverna

Research Organization Directorate, Outreach and Digital Production Office

Laura is currently working in the Outreach and Digital Production Office at the IIT, where her main work is focused on the design and the modelling of 3D environments applied to virtual reality, animation and rendering, video editing and graphic elaborations.

Nicholas Dring

Research Organization Directorate, Outreach and Digital Production Office

Head of Digital at the IIT, responsible for all internal and external graphic design and all institutional websites. This office collaborates with other offices, departments and centres to create websites that help get the IIT message across to the world.

ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Monica Gori
Period: 1/2021- 12/2025. G.A: 948349

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